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Розробник: Inland Fisheries Ireland

This simple, easy to use app allows you to record and send details of illegal fishing or water pollution within Inland Fisheries Ireland & Loughs Agency areas. It will include the GPS location, along with photos (where appropriate) so crews can respond without delay. By reporting incidents you can do your bit in protecting the nation’s fish stocks and habitat for future generations.

Additional details can be supplied such as the vehicle registration, a landmark and River/Lake name or indeed anything that will help with the investigation. You can set the location of the incident on the map, so investigating staff will have pin point accuracy of where the incident is taking place.

You can remain anonymous or you can add your Name, Phone No. and Email. You will then receive an email with an incident number should you wish to follow up the report.

Please note caution should be taken when photographing an incident. If taking photos, you do so at your own risk.